Norra Backen

Art and Stories

Rina Eide Løvaasen is an artist situated in Malmø. She works in many fields and is well known for her large scale paintings

Paul Brennen is a british actor. He has worked with an in the Shakespeare company for years. He also is a writer and experimenting with contemporary theatre and gives young actors voice training

Erikka Fyrand is an artist in many fields of art. She has worked with performance and oilpaintings. She is situated in Oslo where she also works in Kulturdirektoratet. 

Rina Beldo is an artist and academic from Oslo. She is hosting the artists and founded the art prosject and developed the idèa of using the areas history and combine it with your own at Norra Backen.

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Host and founder of Kunst Nord and the ongoing art prosject; love Library and Ree See and Rebuilt



Exhibition Theme

16 - 19 MAY, 2016

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Exhibition Theme

16 - 19 MAY, 2016

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Exhibition Theme

16 - 19 MAY, 2016

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